A transformative community for all strong ladies of Dubai.


” I was put on this earth to make people’s hair look pretty ” – Hollie Boden – balayage, colour & hair extension specialist.

” I was put on this earth to make people’s hair look pretty ” – Hollie Boden – balayage, colour & hair extension specialist.

What made you want to move to Dubai and how long have you lived here? 

Moving to Dubai was literally the most random, spontaneous decision I have ever made! I never wanted to really leave home as I am so close to all my family, but as I got further into my career I started to get itchy feet about where I was going and what the next step was for me. I started to look at other opportunities within hair and I was contacted by a salon in Dubai. I believe in fate, and I can be quite impulsive so within two weeks I had decided I was moving there. I packed my bags and off I went! I was excited for the change of scenery,  I wanted to progress, learn new skills and challenge myself, become more independent and expand my knowledge in the hair industry, and be in a new exciting place. I was determined, I’ve been apart of amazing opportunities worked with a variation of clients! What’s funny is that everyone thought I was last 5 minutes and I have now been here 2 years! Challenge after challenge I proved them wrong! LOL 

What’s your business/job role now?

I am in the hair business and my job is a creative hair stylist at My specialism is balayage and colour, as well as hair extensions. I am lucky that I work doing what I love, I actually think I was put on this earth to make people’s hair look pretty 🤣. It seems crazy to me that it’s work, because I am so passionate about it I have a bond with all my clients and love the customer relationship aspect of the job! 

What is your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement is making a success of my move to Dubai i had never moved before or even visited Dubai on holiday! I had no idea of what was in store! I’ve met a lot of people and I’ve completely grew and found myself as a person. I’ve just moved into my own apartment! It was so much fun picking everything out like my furniture and accessories! It made me feel so grateful for moving here because now I have my own place & I’m enjoying my job and I continue to feel grateful for my life and look forward to whats to come next

Your thoughts on Women empowerment?

This such a strong subject for me! A strong woman is 100% her self and nothing otherwise. Standing by who she is and what she believes in. Loves herself! By herself ! And shines alongs those who believed her ambition to succeed. I am all about good vibes and supporting each other, great things come to those who work hard and help other achieve there goals. 

Favourite clothing stores

I have way to many favourite different brands and shops. I love to mix and match especially designer with high street!  I am more of a a go in and try on type of girl. But if i was going to say online shopping i love revolve and Pretty Little Thing is cool and very affordable! And Zara has always been my all time fave. 

Who inspires you?

I could say alot of people inspire me for all different things, but most importantly my mum inspires me just because how much of a strong independent person shes made me become. Ive learnt a lot from her through my whole life and she always pushes me through everything and always believes in me. I could go to her for anything and i always feel better when i know i have her by my side, she’s my rock and she’s my number 1 fan. And I am hers . 

Advice to your younger self?

Not everyone has the same genuine heart and mind as you. Always stand by what you believe in and have a positive out look on life, everything happens for a reason and you will eventually be were your meant to be work hard and have a strong mindset. be thankful & grateful for what you have, surround yourself with good people, make the most out of life and always stay humble and true to yourself.